From comprehensive exams and cleanings to dental implants

Our Hygiene Team has over 50 collective years of experience treating patients of all ages. For optimal oral health, cleanings should be done every six months. Every day our teeth are accumulating a colorless film called plaque. Plaque is the result of bacteria mixing with saliva and the foods and beverages we consume. Daily brushing and flossing can help remove some of the plaque. However, over time, despite our best efforts, the plaque will accumulate. If the plaque is not carefully removed it will harden into a rough substance called tarter (or calculus). Tarter can take a toll on oral health and can lead to gum disease (periodontal disease), cavities, infections, and in later stages of bone loss. Routine cleanings, every six months, paired with a comprehensive oral exam by Dr. Sparrow will help keep your teeth and gums healthy. Additionally, it will allow for early detection of any problem areas. Catching a cavity in the incipient phase (before the cavity penetrates below the enamel of the tooth) gives time to treat the tooth with conservative methods. Likewise, early detection of gum disease can help save your teeth in the long run.

Our hygiene team is happy to answer your oral care questions and provide you and your family with information and education about brushing, flossing, oral care products, teeth whitening, fluoride, periodontal disease and prevention, and much more.

Hiddenbrook Dental offers all digital x-rays. There are many benefits to our digital system. Most importantly, digital x-ray significantly reduces the amount of radiation exposure as compared to a traditional film x-ray.  Digital x-rays are environmentally friendly as all the images are loaded into our secure imaging software, reducing the need for film and film disposal. Digital x-rays are processed as soon as they are taken, no waiting for development of the film. Finally, our machines are able to capture a greater quality image and our software allows us the ability to magnify up to 300x. With the capabilities to manipulate the contrast levels of the x-ray, Dr. Sparrow is able to detect tooth abnormalities not seen in a traditional film x-ray. This advantage aids in early tooth decay detection, allowing time for monitoring and non-invasive treatments.

At Hiddenbrook Dental composite (tooth colored) material is preferred for almost all fillings. While amalgam (silver) fillings have been used for over 100 years, they can increase the risk of damage to the surrounding tooth structure. Amalgam is a mixture of metals that bind together to create a hard filling material. With the obvious disadvantage of not being tooth colored, the major concern has to do with the excessive removal of tooth structure required for retention of an amalgam filling.  This ultimately increases the risk of fracture in the tooth structure holding the filling in place.

Composite resins, unlike amalgam, will bond to the tooth structure and therefore fill the cavity and add retentive strength. The resin is able to mimic the appearance of a natural tooth and has a reduced risk of fracture and undue wear on surrounding teeth. The nature of the material requires less drilling and is much kinder to the surrounding teeth, thus decreasing the potential for additional treatment of adjacent tooth structure.

Dr. Sparrow is happy to answer any questions you may have about composite versus amalgam fillings. Additionally, our insurance specialist will navigate through your insurance benefits and provide you with a detailed summary of costs for your treatment plan.

Crowns (Caps)-

At Hiddenbrook Dental, our goal is to save the natural tooth. Sometimes, the best option for protecting the natural tooth is to place a crown. When a tooth has developed a large area of decay over multiple surfaces, has a large failing filling or has fractured, a crown may offer the best chance at keeping the tooth in place. Crowns may also be placed following a root canal. A crown will require two visits after a diagnosis is made. Following diagnosis, the first visit is used to prep the tooth. Meaning all the unhealthy tooth structure is removed. An impression is taken and sent to the dental lab. The dental lab will create a ceramic, porcelain, or gold crown. In the meantime, a temporary crown is placed on the tooth while in the office. The temporary crown acts as a placeholder, allowing you to go about your normal activities. However, the temporary crown only has a short lifespan, therefore it is important to keep the second appointment where the permanent crown is placed. Anytime a tooth can be restored and remain in place is an overall win for your oral health. Unfortunately, there are times when a tooth cannot be saved and will need to be extracted, but we can help you navigate through your options. Dr. Sparrow knows that not all dental needs have the same solutions, and therefore will present all viable treatment options to help you determine the direction of your treatment plan.


Dental Bridges utilize crowns on natural teeth (or implants) with false teeth (pontics) suspended between the crowns in order to span the empty space left by tooth extraction. They are fixed in place and not meant to be removable. If you have a missing tooth, you are not alone. The American Dental Association reports that the average adult has three missing or decayed teeth. There are many reasons why a tooth needs to be extracted, but whatever the reason it can leave a hole in your smile. A bridge can be a solution to restoring function and a full mouth smile. Placing a bridge takes more than one visit, and the teeth on either side of the gap are prepared to receive a crown. Dental bridges utilizing natural teeth can be less costly than a dental implant; however, this type of bridge requires natural teeth on either side of a missing tooth. Whether or not a bridge is a solution for you, Dr. Sparrow is committed to developing a treatment plan that is right for your unique dental needs.

Tooth Extraction- Our goal at Hiddenbrook Dental is to save the natural tooth, however, there are times when the best course of treatment is an extraction. Dr. Sparrow and his team are dedicated to clinical excellence with a gentle touch, and this procedure is no exception. Dr. Sparrow will discuss in detail your treatment plan options and options for restoring your smile once the tooth has been removed.

Hiddenbrook Dental also offers extraction of wisdom teeth or 3rd molars. Most wisdom teeth erupt between the ages of 17 and 25, and when health and aligned correctly can be an asset. However, the majority of the time wisdom teeth can cause crowding of other molars, be misaligned becoming impacted or be of subpar health and need to be extracted. Dr. Sparrow is licensed to administer moderate sedation and has been removing 3rd molars since 2012. After x-rays and a comprehensive exam, Dr. Sparrow will work with you to develop a treatment plan that is right for your dental needs. While Hiddenbrook Dental is equipped to treat patients in all areas of General Dentistry, there are times when a specialist is warranted and Hiddenbrook Dental will happily work through the referral process with you.

At Hiddenbrook Dental we are proud to offer implants services. Some patients may be a candidate for a dental implant following an extraction or to fill an empty space. Dr. Sparrow is an associate with the American Society of Implant and Reconstructive Dentistry and has received additional education and training specifically for the placement of implants and implant restoration.

Implants are used to replace single or several teeth. They are both durable and aesthetically pleasing. A dental implant consists of a titanium post, surgically positioned into the jawbone beneath the gum line. Much like the root of a natural tooth. A replacement tooth or bridge is then mounted onto the post, restoring function and aesthetics to your smile. If you have a missing tooth or are looking at the possibility of losing a tooth, an implant may be a permanent solution for you.

Dr. Sparrow will evaluate the implant site for gum health and will review x-rays for bone density and health. If an implant is right for you, expect the procedure to take at least three visits. One to place the implant, a second to take an impression of your mouth with the implant securely in place, and a third to deliver the implant crown. As always, our insurance specialist will provide you with a cost breakdown including insurance benefits.  Additionally, we will coordinate with your insurance company for prior authorization.

If an implant isn’t right for you, Hiddenbrook Dental is committed to finding a solution that fits your needs.